How to correct billing report error in property management


Does anyone know how to fix the billing report error in property management?

It is showing error of -> file:/var/www/html/admin/modules/pms/Pms.class.php:2047

In addition, when checking out the system do not show more than one day in the invoice even when 2 days or more.

All the billing rate for outbound routes have been entered.



What’s the version for Freepbx and PMS?
From my part, i never had this kind of stuff.

I need further details like what’s this kind of error please.

Dear Franck

I am using of property management and of FreePBX. Earlier, I had problem with not able to checkout. I uninstalled property management and reinstalled it again. Now I can check in and check out with phones working, but the billing cannot be done.



Please help us help you and post the error in full. A screenshot is usually sufficient. What yoy posted above is unfortunately not usable

Dear Franck

Sorry here is a screen shot of the error in billing report.

I hope this help you.

Hi Bernie.

about the error.
For this customer, what’s the first name and last name used please?

About the invoice.
Yes, there’s an error about the number of the night.
For example, for 2 nights it returns 1
For 3 night, it returns 2 …etc

I’ll fixe it.

Need a feedback for the first error please.

Hmm I feel the customer has been removed and you try to display an invoice with this customer currently removed, right?

I fixed this issue.
I changed the calculation method.
Waiting your feedback

Dear Franck

I am sorry for the late reply. Good thing there is a time difference. The customers have not been deleted. But an old customer showed up from the old data base. That is, it shows up on the current customer list, even when I uninstall and reinstall Property Management. I do not know if this caused the billing report problem.

The problem with number of nights is as per your diagnostic, one night less in calculation.

Therefore, I am still have the other problem of running billing report. I forgot to mentioned, drinks or food do not show up when entered through the phone system.

Thanks for your help so far.


Indeed if your database is broken, you may have this kind of stuff.
However i fixed this issue, Now it should show “Unknown”.

ok for the number of the nights, it’s fixed right now it will be published in the next version.

For the food and drink in the invoice, they are displayed in this one as well.
Maybe refresh the page to change the date/time, or change the menu select (when)
The products are displayed between checkin and checkout date / time anyway.

If you select (Now) and the time is stayed on the old time and so < at the date time of the food / drink. it should not be displayed.

About minibar, there’s an issue indeed, the first product is not displayed.
I fixed this one as well.

Fixe: first minibar product doesn’t display in the invoice.
Fixe: Wrong night number displayed.
Fixe: Billing report shows “unknown” when something is broken in the database.

Need to wait QA pass and publishing

Dear Franck

For now, I will wait for your update in the next release. Thank you for your help.

Besides the minibar, phone call are not register when checkout


The calls are displayed and they appear in Company Report as well from my side.
I’ve no problem for that.


Dear Franck

If i uninstall and reinstall, would it clear the database and maybe solve the problem of billing errors?


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