How do I print reports of PBX config data

I’m inheriting some FreePBX installations, and I need to pull reports on Inbound Routes, Extensions, and Users. While the UI allows me to sort, it doesn’t allow me to export.

The “PBXact Extensions” report doesn’t provide enough data even on extensions, and I also need info on other module config data.

I have no idea how or where config data is kept in FreePBX. Are there any tools I can use to pull the data via the cli, so I can write my own reports?

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This is not going to be anywhere near a complete answer, but may help point you in the right direction. I began digging into the config files a while back with the aim of auto-generating customizable html extension lists, but abandoned it due to other tasks being thrown at me. Remember the configs being stored in a database & finding php files in /etc that led me to them, but little else without my notes from that time (which are in my office desk drawer). If you do not get replies by Monday, ping me and I’ll dig them out and see what I can find for you.