How do I hang up on one leg of a three way call?

I am looking for a way to accomplish two tasks during a three-way call.

Scenario 1:
Caller dials external Callee A
Caller puts Callee A on hold
Caller dials external Callee B
Caller merges to the two calls together.
Caller can now have a three way call with Callee A and Callee B
When the Caller hangs up Callee A and Callee B will be able to continue their conversation.

But sometimes I need the following to happen.

Scenario 2:
Caller dials external Callee A
Caller puts Callee A on hold
Caller dials external Callee B
Caller merges to the two calls together.
Caller can now have a three way call with Callee A and Callee B
Caller removes Callee B from the conversation.
Caller is now only talking with Callee A again.

I have tried using both the attended transfer to atxferthreeway and using the features on the Bria softphone.

When using an attended transfer I can make the call a three way via atxferthreeway and everyone can talk with each other, but I cannot figure out how to hang up on one leg of the call after the call has been made a three way call.

When using the Bria softphone I can merge the calls together and hang up on an individual Callee, but the entire three way call will end when the caller hangs up.

Any guidance would be appreciated!

Most IP desk phones handle both scenarios, though the ‘transfer on conference hangup’ feature is usually off by default and needs to be set in the phone config.

On a typical ATA, you can enable ‘transfer on conference hangup’ for scenario 1. Flashing during a three-way will disconnect Callee B (as in scenario 2), but there is no way to disconnect only Callee A.

I use the Groundwire app from Acrobits. You can ‘Split’ a conference then press Transfer for scenario 1, or press Split, Switch if needed, End Call, then resume the other call that is now held, for scenario 2.

I know nothing about Bria but if you’re married to it and their support won’t help you, some custom dialplan is probably needed.

Thanks for this thread. It looks like a good one. Though I don’t have better experience of it. But I would like to learn.

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