We are using FreePBX 17 distro (FreePBX with Asterisk 20.9.3.
We have multiple machines (same hardware config) running on this version, with the same list and version of the freepbx and asterisk modules.
On 2 machines we see a high usage of RAM and CPU. Around 50% CPU and around 2GB of RAM.
The problematic hosts have 120 pjsip extensions and max 10 active calls at the same time. One of such machines is being only used for internal calls only yet.
Another machine where we do not see such issue does have around 150 extensions and the same amount of the max concurrent calls.
The problematic machines does not have any special dialplan configuration other than the ‘normal’ ones.
We do not see any queued taskprocessors on the problematic machines.
During the asterisk CPU jumps we do not see anything in the Asterisk console…
So we are a bit confused.
Maybe somebody experienced the same issue or does anyone know what to do next?
If the asterisk process is the only cause for that CPU spikes, maybe you could try to use the latest Asterisk v20 release (20.10.0) to see if it makes any difference.
I reproduced the same with latest FreePBX (repo/script based) 17 and out-of-box Asterisk 21.4.3. VM is a test, and had 2GiB, if I put 4GiB VM is stable at 740M. Only thing I did was changing SIP listening address to 9060…
Downgrading to Asterisk 18 looked only at the beginning the solution but I’m afraid it’s not
After a while asterisk started back to use a lot of memory…
We also notice a memory issue running FPBX on Debian 12.
All modules are using the latest version.
Before the upgrade from FPBX 15 (On CentOS), the available memory was showing a steady line in our monitoring. Now we see it slowly going down during the day:
We also see on the machines with high memory usage there are blf subscriptions with an average of 150+ watchers. Maybe this can cause this high memory usage?
Actually I strongly believe the high Mem and CPU usage is the result of the high amount of subscription’s watcher. For example for one extention amount of 370 watchers