Have a bug around ring group changes

So I have problem when sometimes a ring group is changed and the user applies config, the sytem will no longer be able process calls.

Its happens fairly frequent so working at getting this outside of main hours but the fix is to open the extensions app, open a user, submitt and apply config.

In the logs one tell tail error is Couldn’t negotiate stream 0:audio-0:audio:sendrecv is in the logs.

Issues · FreePBX/issue-tracker · GitHub

It should not longer be an issue, but this description triggers vague memories of what would happen if you have allow transport reload enabled

If set to yes, try setting it to no. Apply config and restart asterisk.

There is no value in posting the above to the issue tracker on GitHub until an actual cause is identified. With nobody else reporting this, I suspect this is a config issue.

I wish that was it but already set to no

Did you file a bug report?

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