Has anyone tried Voice Operator Panel

Has anyone tried using the voice operator panel? I have a client looking for a better operator panel. iSymphony and FOP2 aren’t cutting it.

Never heard of it but I would see if the company will offer you a demo license or two and go through testing. The main risk may be the time zone offset as this looks like it is supported out of France. That said I don’t know where you are.

Throwing it out there maybe @franckdanard has seen it…

They have a trial. It doesn’t appear to be a server side solution.

See documentation here:

I’ve one at home for testing with full license.
There is no AMI link. The app is based on SIP stack.

I just made tests for some basic stuff, but never tested all.
I know VOP can support auto-provisioning.
However, you will not be able to easily synchronize Contact Manager with VOP. Need to use a script generating an XML file from the database incliding the contacts. I did it for something else, that works even if it’s a CSV file.

VOP is not a server, it’s an app like a softphone.

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We have a few users on VOP. They love it.

This does not replace iSymphony or FOP. This is a softphone. Great for someone at reception handling a lot of incoming calls and transferring calls all day

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