Groundwire on iphone over vpn

I tried to connect groundwire to my iphone 13 via vpn with the freepbx. I only succeeded with the use of Dr. Fone. Before, Without Dr. Fone I could only transfer the opvn file; that wasn’t enough. Does anyone have a solution without Dr. Fone?

Let’s ignore Groundwire for the moment. Can you establish a VPN connection to the PBX from your iPhone (without Dr. Fone)? If not, confirm that your .ovpn file has the certificate info inline. If it doesn’t, create the file (by manual edit if you’ve got nothing better) and test. Once that’s working, bring up the VPN and try Groundwire.

But IMO, this will either be very complicated or you won’t be satisfied with the results. Aside from good security, one of the most important features of a SIP app is that it uses zero additional battery while it is in the background awaiting a call. The Acrobits SIPIS servers won’t connect over the VPN, so you need to have a port open for them to connect by UDP, TCP or preferably TLS. Once you have that, why not have Groundwire also connect that way. You could run your own SIPIS servers, but that’s a complex setup. Even if you get that working, you would still need a way to make the VPN come up and shut down automatically, otherwise the VPN itself will consume battery.

Thank you for the comprehensive answer, which I have to digest first.

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