Grandstream GHP631W phones won't download wallpaper from UCM

Hi, my issue is that the Grandstream GHP631W phones won’t download wallpaper from the UCM PBX.

A file path is created by the UCM when i upload the JPEG to the UCM, and it sends the file path to the phone via provisioning, but the phone wont grab the JPEG.

The JPEG is the correct size and proportions etc and uploads fine directly from my laptop to the phone and displays correctly.
I can paste the filepath into my browser on my laptop and it will bring up the JPEG ok.

any ideas why the filepath may not be working via provisioning?
this is my filepath:

Thank you!

UCM is not based on FreePBX and is a product of Grandstream, just a heads-up that you probably won’t have much luck on this forum.

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