Google voice module

I had installed freepbx and asterisk 11.02 and had installed google voice module.
Google voice module shows this error
This Module Requires Asterisk mod_motif & mod_xmpp to be installed and loaded
How I can fix it?

Did you install asterisk manually? or did you use a distro?

I have both freepbx and asterisk 11.02 installed from aur . I am running arch linux.

Well the compiled asterisk must have mod_motif and res_xmpp installed as well. Those are required. You’ll have to compile asterisk manually with those modules enabled.

I looked in my logs and library was missing that prevented module from loading. I installed required library and all is fine thank you for help


Your problem is exactly what mine is. Can you tell me where you looked to find out which library was missing and what library it was that fixed it please? Thank you.