Github ? info modules update


Where to find references to updated modules

For example to read

link is broken, in github how to search ?


FREEI tickets were never public so realistically those change logs are useless. All you can do is look at the commits for open source modules

Our plan is to create an archive for old tickets, similarly to what was done for Asterisk, but that’s prioritized for after the move to GitHub is complete.

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ok, thanks, all very nice and interesting, but before, beyond the public and non-public technical information, there was the possibility of clicking on the link on the module updates page and reading the changes made or the bugs resolved and understanding if it was the whether to update or not…not infrequently there have been updates such as that of the endpoint module which have reset the telephone configurations! Now how and where can you read what has been corrected / changed?

any news?

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