Fwconsole start does not start dahdi and wanrouter

I installed Freepbx 17 with the --dahdi option but I cannot get my A101 card working unless I start wanrouter by hand. I ran setup-sangoma and my card is recognized. When I run fwconsole start I do not see any messages related to wanpipe and dahdi, older freepbx does show a message starting wanpipe and dahdi.

Once Asterisk is loaded I need to run “wanrouter start”, then “dahdi_cfg -vvv” and the from the Asterisk cli run “module unload chan_dahdi.so” and “module load chan_dahdi.so”. After that I can do a “dahdi show channels” and everything is up and running. I can use the dahdi config module in freepbx to configure signalling and other parameters.

What am I missing? Why is fwconsole not loading wanpipe and dahdi by default as it used to?


The Dahdiconfig module should be installed in order to add the wanpipe (wanrouter) service to the fwconsole start. Please try again after installing the Dahdi config module. Thanks.

fwconsole ma downloadinstall dahdiconfig

dahdiconfig was already installed and I have uninstalled and reinstalled it but it still does not start wanrouter so my asterisk does not see any dahdi channels. I have to do “wanrouter start” before “fwconsole start” to get my E1 channels to show up in asterisk.

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