From CLI: Determine FPBX / SangomaOS version & intital splash screen


Once SSH’d in (and using the command-line):

Is there an easy-enough command to run (or file structure to look for), so that we can determine if the build is FreePBX (and what version) and/or if the build was from an SangomaOS.ISO?

Also, what is the command to run:
To re-see the “splash” screen which comes up in GREEN and shows details about the local networking and the build in general?

Trying to go back through a few older PBX builds to determine if they are standard FPBX or SangomaOS builds.

Thanks for any tips / suggestions.


To build on @ashcortech’s answer, if the file


exists, you have a FreePBX Distro system and the content will show you the version.

What if:
We have the directory


BUT: inside the directory: there is no pbx-version (file)

Would this mean: you have “only” FreePBX (not built) from .ISO

Thank you for this TIP!

Anyone know how to re-bring back up:

The initial “splash-screen” of information when you 1st log into the system with SSH (from the command line).

This is for a PBX built using the SangomaOS.ISO

Sometimes: re-looking at the info in the SSH login (MOTD) screen can help, but I cannot recall what syntax brings this info back up again.

Thanks for the reminder.

[root@pbx ~]# fwconsole motd
______                   ______ ______ __   __
|  ___|                  | ___ \| ___ \\ \ / /
| |_    _ __   ___   ___ | |_/ /| |_/ / \ V /
|  _|  | '__| / _ \ / _ \|  __/ | ___ \ /   \
| |    | |   |  __/|  __/| |    | |_/ // /^\ \
\_|    |_|    \___| \___|\_|    \____/ \/   \/

wonderful … thank you, Lome!

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