I installed FreePbx 17 about 5-months ago before the release date.
I have not put this into use yet but have been messing around with it and updating it peroidically.
My question is a simple newbie question-
I’d like to be fully up to date, and it is unclear to me if what I have is exactly that?
Or should I re-install from scratch after the Release date?
The interface says it’s FreePBx 17 but in the details I also see
PBX Version:
I’m guessing I need to reinstall from scratch and this cannot be updated from the web interface.
I’m also not sure but guessing any config work I did may or may not be exporatable and importable back int oa new system.
I might be totally confused thinking I had a pre-release of 17 while actually having some version of 16…
I’ll go ahead with a new install at this point.
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It’s a good idea.
I was just being stupid. Had 16 installed and somehow thought it was 17-pre-release just because of all the FreePbx mentions of 17 inside the interface, and it had been since March when I messed with it. And have been super busy with other stuff, so my memory was not so great on it.
All up & running on 17 proper now.
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