FreePBX17 - Activation - Can no longer get to the FreePBX Web Page

New install of FreePBX17 on Debian 12.
Everything was working fine. Made several changes via FreePBX GUI.
I activated the instance and cannot get to the FreePBX GUI.
I can ssh into the machine just fine…
Any ideas???

It could be the firewall, fail2ban, etc. Have you looked into:

/sbin/fwconsole firewall --help


firewall is disabled.
fail2ban is disabled.
Verified both disabled…

I agree that it seems like my comp is being blocked to port 443. Since I can ssh to the machine, its not blocking my IP…

Just seems really weird that this happens IMMEDIATELY after activation…
I restored from a backup right before this step, and I can access the FreePBX gui just fine.
Then activate, and I can’t get a response from gui

SSL cert error ?

netstat -pan | grep apache

shows what ?

Both before activation and after activation show the following:
root@FreePBX17-Deb:/etc/apache2# netstat -pan | grep apache
tcp6 0 0 :::443 :::* LISTEN 646/apache2
tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 646/apache2

Any updates on this? Currently having the same issue.

Can you explain more or give a screen shot of what is happening? If you can get into the svr via root then use the unlock command to get access to reset the admin password. See: fwconsole commands (13+) - PBX GUI - Sangoma Documentation (

I actually just tried a different browser and it worked fine. Still not working on the other browser after clearing cache and cookies

Which browser are you having issues with?

I am on a MacBook and was using Arc. Tried in Safari and it worked. After looking at it a little more, in my particular case, after activating the server, the webpage switched to https but https is not set up yet. After figuring this out, I switched it back to http on Arc, and it worked fine.

Did you ever resolve this. We have the exact same problem except its not limited to web browser or computer. We install fresh FreePBX 17 system on fresh Debian 12 system. As soon as we activate the system the web gui crashes. Instantly. Had this occur on 2 installs in a row now. On the second system I made sure to take snapshots before activating so I can roll back to before activation. But once we activate WebGUI crashes and its impossible to access. Tried Edge, Chrome, Firefox on multiple computers. Each gets Err_Connection_Refused.

EDIT: I missed the second half of your last reply that the site loads in HTTP:80

I think I have, but the steps/how I did this is a bit murky since, once I got it working I didn’t go back and try a very strict set of steps to resolve.

What I believe is:

Before Activation, go into [ Admin ] → [ System Admin ] → [ HTTPS Setup ] → [ Settings ]

  1. Select the “default” Self-Signed certificate
  2. Press [ INSTALL ]
  3. Press [ IMPORT ] into the Apache configuration
  4. Refresh the web page to ensure that the certificate has been imported into Apache

Apache should indicate that the import of the Self-Signed certificate was successful

Now perform the Activation step…

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