FreePBX V17 Location of Parameter

Does anyone know what happened to the parameter in Advanced Settings “Post Call Recording Script” in FreePBX 17? Was it renamed, moved somewhere else or eliminated entirely?

I’ve found the parameter (MIXMON_POST) defined in extensions_additional.conf, but I don’t want to edit that file, since I suspect it would be overwritten on the next update. Would I be able to accomplish that by adding MIXMON_POST=“/etc/asterisk/custom/” to gobal._custom.conf and have it picked up on the include statement?

But personally, I’d rather make the entry in the GUI if it’s just been moved or renamed.

Looks like a 17 bug, open a ticket on Github requesting a fix.

Until then, you can use fwconsole to set/unset that parameter

root@FreePBX17:~# fwconsole setting MIXMON_POST /test/script.php
Changing "MIXMON_POST" from [test] to [/test/script.php]

root@FreePBX17:~# fwconsole r
Reload Started
Reload Complete
root@FreePBX17:~# asterisk -x "dialplan show globals" | grep MIXMON_POST
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This’ll work. Thank you, Sir.

I’ll open up a ticket on Github too.

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It’s not a bug. It’s a readonly setting that has to be made visible and editable.

Then you can modify a bunch of PRE / POST action scripts.


Dadgummit Tom, you are exactly right. I’d forgotten that since I was starting this install from scratch that I’ve never had the need to adjust those settings. So I’m used to them being on.

I’ll cancel the bug ticket.

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