Freepbx restore on different webroot

Hi to all,
I have a debian 11 with freepbx 16 manual installation with webroot /var/www and I have to migrate to a debian 12 with freepbx17. Fpbx17 has as webroot /var/www/html and when I restore the backup from the old system to the new one, the fwconsole crash for the differente webroot. Is there a way to restore the old system to new one setting the new webroot ? Does anyone know a way to fix the problem ? Thanks in advance !

I found this solution:

  1. restore from GUI
  2. from linux cli create a sym link: ln -s /var/www/html/admin /var/www/admin
  3. fwconsole restart
  4. go to gui Advanced Settings → Directory Layout and change “FreePBX Web Root Dir” from /var/www to /var/www/html
  5. Apply
  6. fwconsole restart
    Hope this can be useful to someone, I fixed ! Thanks !

I’ve also hit this issue when I’ve backed up a Freepbx 15 system deployed on Debian 10, and restored in FreePBX 17 (Debian 12). My solution was to backup everything except the framewok module and then manually migrate the configuration in “Settings → Advanced Settings”. Nevertheless, I think that the backup/restore module could be improved in order a restore does not break a running system. I think that not restoring the “Directory Layout” section in “Advanced Config” would be enough to perform a restore without breaking the running system.

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