FreePBX notices


i’m using Freepbx 2.8.1 with Asterisk 1.6.2

in FreePBX notices i have this errors :

  1. retrieve_conf failed to sym link:
    /etc/asterisk/sip_notify.conf from core/etc
    This can result in FATAL failures to your PBX. If the target file exists and not identical, the symlink will not occur and you should rename the target file to allow the automatic sym link to occur and remove this error, unless this is an intentional customization.
    Added 2 hours, 23 minutes ago

  2. Failed to copy from module agi-bin:
    Retrieve conf failed to copy file(s) from a module’s agi-bin dir:

Thanks for Help


i fixed the sym link issue by deleting the file and restart FBX to create another one.
But the agi-bin issue persist, more details below :

Failed to copy from module agi-bin
Ignore this
Retrieve conf failed to copy file(s) from a module’s agi-bin dir: copy(/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/fixlocalprefix): failed to open stream: Permission denied
copy(/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/directory): failed to open stream: Permission denied
copy(/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/list-item-remove.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied
copy(/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/dialparties.agi): failed to open stream: Permission denied
copy(/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/sql.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied
copy(/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/enumlookup.agi): failed to open stream: Permission denied
copy(/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/user_login_out.agi): failed to open stream: Permission denied
copy(/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/checksound.agi): failed to open stream: Permission denied

Added 44 minutes ago

any help

those files doesn’t even exist in "/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/"
may this information show you the way to help me… i hope so :slight_smile: