Freepbx module asterisk api module update

I am was updating modules today and came across an issue and thought I could maybe get some help from the community on this…
I had one module fail the update which is the Sangoma realtime api module. It says that we are missing a requirement of a certain version of asterisk api module but that module says it is up to date. I attached some screenshots to show what I am seeing. Any help on this would be great! Thanks in advance.

Hi @sutc Freepbx “manager” aka Asterisk API module v16.0.23 is in stable so you should be able to update to that as well.

That is great news! How can I do that when I try to update it says I am up to date? Maybe there is a way to force the update?

Hi @sutc you can try to download by following command -

fwconsole ma downloadinstall manager --tag=16.0.23

If this also does not work then please share output of below command -

fwconsole setting MODULE_REPO

Hey this worked! Thank you for your help!

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