FreePBX installer exits when installing sangomaconnectmodule

2024-03-25 12:26:35 - Installing sangomaconnectmodule
2024-03-25 12:26:42 - Installation failed at step Installing sangomaconnectmodule. Please check log /var/log/pbx/freepbx17-install-2024.03.25-12.26.08.log for details.
2024-03-25 12:26:42 - Error at line line: 597 exiting with code 2 (last command was: fwconsole ma install sangomaconnect >> $log 2>&1)2024-03-25 12:26:42 - Exiting script

So what does this log file say?

For reference the op also opened [bug]: Installer errors when "Installing sangomaconnectmodule" · Issue #57 · FreePBX/issue-tracker · GitHub

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Running installation..
[npm-cache] [INFO] using /home/asterisk/.package_cache as cache directory
[npm-cache] [INFO] [composer] Dependency config file /var/www/html/admin/modules/sangomaconnect/node/composer.json does not exist. Skipping install
[npm-cache] [INFO] [npm] config file exists
[npm-cache] [INFO] [npm] cli exists
[npm-cache] [INFO] [npm] hash of /var/www/html/admin/modules/sangomaconnect/node/package.json: a386f4a77785ce2c5562d106a52cef80
[npm-cache] [INFO] [npm] cache exists
[npm-cache] [INFO] [npm] clearing installed dependencies at /var/www/html/admin/modules/sangomaconnect/node/node_modules
[npm-cache] [INFO] [npm] ...cleared
[npm-cache] [INFO] [npm] retrieving dependencies from /home/asterisk/.package_cache/npm/9.2.0/a386f4a77785ce2c5562d106a52cef80.tar.gz
[npm-cache] [INFO] [bower] Dependency config file /var/www/html/admin/modules/sangomaconnect/node/bower.json does not exist. Skipping install
[npm-cache] [INFO] [npm] done extracting
[npm-cache] [INFO] successfully installed all dependencies

Finished updating libraries!
SangomaConnect Server is not running
SangomaConnect module installed but not activated. Please buy a license and activate the module

In Sangomaconnect.class.php line 5146:
  Undefined array key 0  

moduleadmin [-f|--force] [-d|--debug] [--edge] [--ignorecache] [--stable] [--color] [--skipchown] [-e|--autoenable] [--skipdisabled] [--snapshot SNAPSHOT] [--format FORMAT] [-R|--repo REPO] [-t|--tag TAG] [--skipbreakingcheck] [--sendemail] [--onlystdout] [--] [<args>...]

Correct. I realized I should be putting it on the issue-tracker after I posted here.