FreePBX & External Jabber Server


I have a question about “connecting” my FreePBX installation with my Jabber/XMPP server (ejabberd). I know that FreePBX already has a module (using Prosody) for XMPP. However I already have a functional Jabber server that authenticates to my Active Directory (and can use SSO). I’d hate to redo this and am not even sure if the Pro module would support external AD authentication (it appears by default to use FreePBX user manager).

In the simplest setup I’d like to be able to pass phone presence info (person on phone) from FreePBX to my jabber server. I’d also love to be able to initiate a call from within a chat.

Can this be done without any nasty side effects? Anyone have a link to info on setup? From what I’m reading it looks like I should be able to do this via the asterisk xmpp configuration files.

Lastly, is there anyway to integrate the new UCP with this type of setup?
