FreePBX Distro Upgrade for FreePBX GUI 2.10

Needless to say I first tried the 2.10.0 upgrade after upgrading to php 5.3.10 and it’s components

It completely hosed the interface. So I downloaded the zip and tried to install… dies as checking user.

CentOS 5.7 + Asterisk 1.8.71 + Dahdi 2.6.0

Any ideas?

[root@pbx freepbx-2.10.0]# ./install_amp
Checking for PEAR DB…OK
Checking for PEAR Console::Getopt…OK
Checking user…[root@pbx freepbx-2.10.0]#


Please do not hijack a thread that is about the FreePBX Distro upgrade scripts for something our your own custom build. It will confuse people.

When I click on the link above to get to the script\how to, the page i get is empty. The header and bar down the right side are there but there is no body content.

Same as ben.vance, could someone fix the link to the script?

I will write a mini how-to, since the page is not working.

  1. Get your FreePBX distro version. Either by

cat /etc/asterisk/freepbxdistro-version or at the sysadmin module.
2. Download ALL the update from here: Asterisk 1.8), from your version up to the latest
2a. To download you can either do it with wget, for example:

wget or via sftp. I suggest to download the script somewhere like /usr/src/
3. Make the update script executable with chmod +x
4. run the script ./
5. Enjoy

Hope this helps

OK updated the link. Sorry about that.

so… after wrestling with this, I paid attention to the error and checked out the name of in the php/modules directory (hint, copy to an all lower-case version in the same directory -

Not working?

If you check the Forum ( you will see 2 threads. One for Asterisk 1.8 ( and one for Asterisk 10(