[This module is now installed from the FreePBX mirror repo with FreePBX 15 and up - mod]
We’ve been getting lots of spam calls lately so I decided to try and see if I could create a module that would let me block all callers not in a allowed list.
I started with the Blacklist module and essentially reversed the logic so that callers on the list are allowed through and all others blocked or sent to the destination selected. I did change one aspect of the logic so that if a non-allowlisted destination is not defined, the call is allowed to proceed. This prevents shutting down all incoming calls when you first install the module.
I also took care to make sure that the Allowlist module would play well with the Blacklist module. The Blacklist rules come first in the dial plan so if a number is blacklisted it will be blocked regardless of its presence in the whitelist.
The one thing I really wasn’t sure of was how to locate unused feature codes to be sure it wasn’t stomping on some other modules codes – I used one unused on my system but that’s no guarantee for anyone else that tries it.
I put it out on github if anyone is interested. Its self signed so you’ll have to resign the module locally if you decide to try it.
I don’t have the language skills to update the message translations so they will all be incorrect, and may not even work if the system language is something other than English.