FreePBX 2.11 w/ Asterisk 11

I am soo friggen happy that you made a step by step guide. I can now see a couple of mistakes I made while trying it on my own. Thanks a ton for putting in the time and effort to make this.

Remove the make samples section please or I’ll do it myself

I’ve adapted SR’s tutorial for Debian Wheezy, I’ sure I’ve missed something, please comment.

Installing mdb2 is a terrible idea as freepbx was written around pear db.

I’ve followed your instructions but i did get a couple of errors.
By doing a apt-get “install python-dev texinfo” i fixed them.
Also, at the end, before you do a “amportal restart” do
"chown -R asterisk.asterisk /usr/lib/asterisk/modules" otherwise Asterisk won’t be able to load the modules (they are owned by root.root)

That change was mostly due to my OCD kicking in, the original [pear install db] complains and helpfully suggests using mdb2. I’m reworking the walk through and will revert to the original.

Thanks for catching the omission. I was trying to get Freeside billing and FreePBX to work together. However, both FreePBX and Asterisk want to be the Apache2 user as opposed to www-data (for Debian). I was experimenting with permissions and let that slip by.

I’ve tried changing the order of install between Freeside or Asterisk/FreePBX , adding the www-data/freeside users to the asterisk group, and using apache2-mpm-itk (with changes to the respective Makefiles). I’ve had limited success but am still working on it.

The DOCX format is also not playing nice with my setup (copy/paste issues) and I’ll be reverting to plaintext for the next revision.

I believe much of this thread has been documented by tm1000 in the new wiki… You can view step by step directions for Ubuntu and Wheezy, FreeBSD and of course CentOS here:

tm1000, yes but it’s going to happen when asterisk read me says to run make samples and also on the command line after your run make install. So saying “don’t do that” is not a practical solution and something ONLY a developer would say frankly.

The FreePBX install script should be further refined to take care of this and/or add it to a core module if that makes more sense. I just files a bug/feature report.

One other thing on that install script. ./configure is a bit different for x64.

./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64
as per

I just tried that ./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 and you then would have to go into FreePBX advanced settings and change the directory location in there. Maybe it’s easier to just always compile asterisk modules into /usr/lib.

Found a problem with the install guide in the wiki. The instructions for useradd don’t work on CentOS 6. It doesn’t recognize the password statement or gecos.

I believe the correct command should be:
adduser asterisk -M -c “Asterisk User”

We could go back and forth about this all day long but it says “samples” in the command line. I think (regardless of me being a developer) that’s it’s quite clear what exactly that does.

Thanks. Fixed.

I spoke too soon about the ./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64

If you don’t do that compiling Asterisk 11 on x64 CentOS 6 then /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk won’t run.

Also, once you change that directory, you have to go into FreePBX>Advanced settings and enable hidden settings and change the Asterisk module directory to lib64. You also have to edit /etc/asterisk.conf and change it there too.

Also, if using confbridge you have to change that setting AFTER you change the lib64 setting otherwise confbridge won’t work.

I’m filing a feature request asking to refine this since it could all easily be autodetected by FPBX.