FreePBX 2.10 Beta - Lots of Credit to the team!


I think there should be a switch if you use install_amp to force it to install with 2.10. We plan on supporting it and I think there have been some who have tested it. Try that route as I expect there will probably be minimal issues.

Have not had a chance to play with the beta GUI yet. But, from the screen capture above showing the Lateral menu, I would place a ‘yeah’ vote for it. I tried unsuccessfully to find a way to hide the left menu bar in 2.9 in order to print Peers, SIP Info, Subscriptions, etc. under the Asterisk Info, WITHOUT the last 4 columns being cut off by the printer. This would help in that end.

Also, as with ANY change, there comes with it responsibility of us recipients of a FREE product to make “some” effort to learn a different (and most likely improved) way of doing things (ie location, names) than the way they’ve “been use to doing them.” I’m sure we are capable of picking up new habits just as we did the old ones. As has been already stated, there is not going to be a perfect solution for all (there are just to many of us). I do like the idea of a condensed number of possibilities of where the items could be searched for, however. For us that are limited to screens smaller than 27" (hahaha), eight might be the max you’d want to span across the top. There is just SO much good stuff, it’s hard to decide how best to condense it! ;]

Just a few quick updates on things we are doing or thinking about doing to streamline the menu…

First off, I know mbrevda is revisiting what it would take to make hovering over the top menu items allow them to drop down. I don’t think there is anyone who wouldn’t like that, I just know it is something discussed well before this blog post and we knew that it was non-trivial given the jquery library being used to generate it.

Another thing I just did to manage the valuable real estate up there was get rid of the “User Panel” button. Still want it, no problem, I just made a trivial module that will reinstall it right where it previously was. The reason I removed it by default is that most Distro’s including our own provide a direct path to it when first entering the distro.

Want it as a sub-menu, just use the freepbx_menu.conf configuration file I mentioned above to move it elsewhere.

Now there have been requests for other top level menu items. I modified my recent changes so any category that has only a single entry under it will be transformed into a top level button just like “User Panel” is at the moment. So if you want CDR reports or FreePBX System Status up there by themselves, you can just use freepbx_menu.conf to do it.

Another thing we are discussing in real time is where we can move the Languages menu that is also taking valuable real estate. It’s something that you change once when bringing up FreePBX since after that it is retained in your session. Advanced Settings won’t work as that would changes it system wide, but I’m sure we will find somewhere to put it that will make it easy to get to but not take up all that real estate. Other suggestions are welcome.

Anyhow … all these changes will be pushed out soon in a Framework update, there’s just currently something broke in svn that we need to track down before pushing out an update. If you want to play with the above though, just grab menu.php as it’s all contained in there.

I have no great love for FOP specifically, but we heavily depend on having some sort of call status display at each user’s desk. (Some call control functions would be nice, too, but not essential; we never got those working right on FOP.) Is there a recommended alternative (preferably free or very affordable) that is expected to be able to work with 2.10 (and Asterisk 1.8)?

FOP2 and iSymphony, both of which have modules to help configure them.

Thanks! Looking forward to the release.

Used it for a year or two. Great features. Very useful.

Hi I updated a 2.9 install that was loaded from your ISO. Did it from teh update links provided herein. cat /etc/asterisk/freepbxdistro-version shows

When I try to create an IVR and make one of the options to go to another IVR (sub IVR), when you push the option for the sub IVR it just repeats the message of the Parent IVR.

The IVRs that came over on the update, that heretofore worked, exhibit the same behavior.

If you dial the number of the sub IVR twice you also get teh message, “Sorry you are having trouble. Goodbye.” Then it hangs up.


please either start a new thread with the issue and provide a CLI trace going through this so we can see what is going on, or file a bug and provide the same trace.

There was a recent change to IVR that might be related. Checking the code I don’t see how the change would not be operating properly but a trace of your issue would help determine that or not.

I have moved this question/comment to general question area in a new post.

I recently upgraded to 2.10 with all the updates from 2.9 and am struggling with the new CDR report. It is hard to read, the columns in the old CDR included the “name” of the caller. I had to change the color of my screen so that it was not just white background with tiny black letters. At least now I get some contrast between the columns and lines, it is not all white. If I increase the size of the print the rows will double in size. Is there a way I can choose the columns in the cdr report that I want displayed? I would add caller name and remove “system”, “userfield”, “account” columns.

I am sorry for complaining, but the old system gave me exactly what I wanted in clear to read columns and graphs if I wanted them.

just playing with 2.10 and freepbx_menu.conf
I am trying to move the "Freepbx system status"
to Favorites with menu.conf but it does not move.
Seems to be the only item that can not be moved.

My entry is:


should work fine.

Yes. That works. Thanks.

I guess it confused me that [dashboard] does not use the same naming convention as the other modules i.e. it should be [index].

Why not use the tango.png image to link to dashboard?

Same problem to move around module admin. The name “modules” does not work. Do you have a list of names for the different modules? Most seem to use the display=names e.g. “findmefollow” but some like dashboard and modules don’t so we need the actual names to move them around in freepbxmenu.conf

Do a module_admin list


well to a large extent you happened upon a couple of the “special case displays” that would appear to not follow more of a norm for reasons that are not worth getting into here.

However, to answer your question, the name usually is the “display” name if it weren’t for these two exceptions. Authoritatively you can determine the correct name by looking in the module.xml module. In the case of the System Status page you will see:

    <dashboard display="index" access="all">FreePBX System Status</dashboard>

so in that case it is the “dashboard” xml tag which get’s mapped to “index” based on the above attribute. In the case of Module Admin, not really being a module, it is controlled by the “module-builtin.xml” file and in there you will notice:

    <modules1 display="modules" category="Admin">Module Admin</modules1>

so you would use “modules1” for your section. There used to be module1 and modules2 because this used to be on both the tool and setup tabs, when we took away that concept we never renamed it to simply “modules” which we could (and maybe will) do.

I hope that helps.

That solves my issue.

Many thanks also for freepbxmenu.conf
My menu is now exactly the way I want it
with all the day to day stuff right where I need it
and the other modules out of the way or completely removed.