FreePBX 17 Upgrade

currently i have FPX 16 with CHANSIP extension using DAHDI trunk for outgoing call, i am planning to upgrade to FPX 17 . is it possible PJSIP can use existing DAHDI trunk for outgoing calls or i need to make any changes?

Asterisk is a B2BUA (BackToBackUserAgent) working SIP devices of any flavor will continue to bridge to DAHDI channels just as before. But be aware that newer versions of DAHDI (3.x) have dropped support for many older devices.

Is there a list of supported cards in the upgrade docs? I have a Sangoma A200 card and would like to check that it is supported before I upgrade

The A200 works fine on FreePBX v17. Use the --dahdi option when running the installation script to install the DAHDI packages.

Awesome, thanks!

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