I am investigating FreePBX17 on a test server running the recommended Debian 12 OS and using the github script to install. After installation, I am restoring a full backup from our production FreePBX15 CentOS machine.
After restore, I can login to the web UI and do typical tasks after disabling some commercial modules. The only error I am left with happens as a banner on the web UI and a console message when interacting with fwconsole, e.g,:
# fwconsole reload
Reload started
^ "Undefined array key "host""
I’m unable to find the message in the log files, and I’m not sure where the ‘^’ is being emitted from. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Please try with below command which will print the stack trace to find the more detail about who is generating the error and raise the issue at github.
I suggest an incremental upgrade - spin up a VM with FreePBX 16, do the restore to that, and if everything checks out, do a backup on FreePBX 16 and then a restore to your test server.
I tried enabling the verbose mode and there is no additional information printed. Does the verbose mode by default log to a file instead of the console?
I will file an issue, but I hate to report without any information that is useful to debug.