FreePBX 17 install issues

Created a Virtualbox VM and installed Debian 12. Downloaded the script and ran it. Seemed to run OK.

Restarted the VM (I think but maybe not) and connected via the browser. Created an Admin account, logged in and went through the Activation process - all OK.

Eventually got as far as the Firewall set up and it hung part way through - just showing the red dropdown message: Ajex request broken …

Restarted the VM and noticed that after startup and logging in via SSH it showed:

Failed to start sangoma-pnpd.service

Logging in via the browser it continued with the firewall setup till the end where it now shows the option Automatically configure Asterisk IP Settings? and won’t go further - just keeps showing the Ajex … message.

Tried the Dashboard and it seems the web server has died. SSH will not log in either. The console still functional.

Restarted the VM, connected via browser and it showed Sangoma Smart Firewall is now enabled!. (Console still shows service failed to start.)

Click continue and it shows Sangoma Smart Firewall is now enabled!

Then it asks whether to enable it (!) but shows in red that its already enabled. Click yes and bingo - it loads the Dashboard.

Firewall shows a red x (new interface detected) ??

Shows Security issue: 23 tampered files (all see to be png files.

Apply Config is red - so give that a click. After a LONG wait that finishes.

Try module update - nothing to update. Lots of commercial modules showing not available online. Not an issue for me.

So finally seem to have a working system.

Went to the Firewall page, clicked to re-run the wizard (which did not seem to do anything) but the red x is now gone leaving me with two issues.

  1. The service that does not start
  2. The 23 tampered files

(I thought to delete most of the above but decided to leave it in case it helps someone else to persevere and keep re-booting.)

You can run module refresh signature command “fwconsole ma refreshsignatures” to fix the tempered files warnings.
also do you see any error on the firewall log “/var/log/asterisk/firewall.log” when you trying to start the firewall service?

Tried that - no change.

The command returned quite a few errors - example

Checking endpoint...
Signature Invalid
        Could not find signed module on remote server!

Checking faxpro...
Signature Invalid
        Could not find signed module on remote server!

Here is a sample of the messages in the dashboard - and they seem to match the modules showing an error when running refreshsignatures.

Module: "EndPoint Manager", File: "/var/www/html/admin/modules/endpoint/assets/img/VVX301.png altered"
Module: "EndPoint Manager", File: "/var/www/html/admin/modules/endpoint/assets/img/VVX311.png altered"
Module: "EndPoint Manager", File: "/var/www/html/admin/modules/endpoint/assets/img/VVX350.png altered"
Module: "EndPoint Manager", File: "/var/www/html/admin/modules/endpoint/assets/img/VVX401.png altered"
Module: "EndPoint Manager", File: "/var/www/html/admin/modules/endpoint/assets/img/VVX411.png altered"
Module: "EndPoint Manager", File: "/var/www/html/admin/modules/endpoint/assets/img/VVX450.png altered"
Module: "EndPoint Manager", File: "/var/www/html/admin/modules/endpoint/assets/img/VVX501.png altered"
Module: "EndPoint Manager", File: "/var/www/html/admin/modules/endpoint/assets/img/VVX601.png altered"
Module: "Fax Configuration Professional", File: "/var/www/html/admin/modules/faxpro/ucp/assets/images/fax.png altered"

So it looks like a beta issue.

1714721999: Wall: 'Firewall service now starting.

' returned 0
ipset v7.17: The set with the given name does not exist
ipset v7.17: The set with the given name does not exist
2024-05-03 08:40:01,122 fail2ban.configreader   [3816]: WARNING 'allowipv6' not defined in 'Definition'. Using default one: 'auto'
1714722001: fpbxfirewall rule not found in INPUT chain
1714722001: Resetting iptables
Ignoring deprecated --wait-interval option.
Ignoring deprecated --wait-interval option.
Ignoring deprecated --wait-interval option.
Ignoring deprecated --wait-interval option.
1714722001: /sbin/iptables -w5 -W10000 -N fpbxfirewall
Ignoring deprecated --wait-interval option.

('Ignoring deprecated --wait-interval option' follows every single listed line from here onwards)
In Firewall.class.php line 284:
  Undefined variable $msg  

firewall [-f|--force] [-h|--help] [--] <cmd> [<opt> [<ids>...]]

1714722006: /sbin/iptables -w5 -W10000 -N fpbxsvc-ssh
Ignoring deprecated --wait-interval option.

Nothing else significant.

Hi @LesD, The “fwconsole ma refreshsignatures” command is working fine on my test system , can you give a try again ?

Tried to start it manually. The start command returns silently. The status command shows its not running. So I assume its a beta issue.

I have two questions:

  1. How important is this pnpd service? What does it do?

  2. I intend to put this server live in a few weeks at a small remote office with it directly connected to my small office system. Am I being foolish going down route - I’m trying to save the need to do a later conversion from 16, and learn a bit about 17.

Log of starting the service:

root@F-PBX-DL2:~# systemctl start  sangoma-pnpd.service
root@F-PBX-DL2:~# systemctl status  sangoma-pnpd.service
× sangoma-pnpd.service - Sangoma PnP Service
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/sangoma-pnpd.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2024-05-03 13:07:56 BST; 20s ago
   Duration: 64ms
    Process: 40029 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/pnp_server (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
   Main PID: 40029 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
        CPU: 29ms

May 03 13:07:56 F-PBX-DL2 systemd[1]: sangoma-pnpd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 03 13:07:56 F-PBX-DL2 systemd[1]: sangoma-pnpd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 03 13:07:56 F-PBX-DL2 systemd[1]: sangoma-pnpd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
May 03 13:07:56 F-PBX-DL2 systemd[1]: Stopped sangoma-pnpd.service - Sangoma PnP Service.
May 03 13:07:56 F-PBX-DL2 systemd[1]: sangoma-pnpd.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
May 03 13:07:56 F-PBX-DL2 systemd[1]: sangoma-pnpd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 03 13:07:56 F-PBX-DL2 systemd[1]: Failed to start sangoma-pnpd.service - Sangoma PnP Service.

Thank you - this time it did work. It downloaded things and now the error is gone.
Now just have to resolve the pnpd issue.

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