FreePBX 17 Distro?

Hi I’ve been away from the forums a while and thought I’d check in.
I didn’t realize that 17 was out (I’m on 15) and now it needs to be on debian :astonished: I’m trying the install on a VM before I migrate my production server. My god this is taking so much longer than previous distros! Is this install method just temporary or the future of this project? Sorry if this has been asked before but couldn’t find anything in a search.
It makes be worry about a disaster recovery with downtime. Kind of makes the built in backup only good for this type of migration and you’re required to have some other backup system.

welcome to “the future”

as bad as it is by some peoples experience, the built in backup is next to useless if its a v14 backup despite sangoma claiming it works, no idea how it goes for 15, we’ve always backed up the system outside of it, including weekly rsyncs of the entire system as well as usual /etc/home/var and few other dirs nightly.

Well, after the almost 2 hours of installing debian then the script to install fpbx17, I log onto all sorts of security errors with “files been tampered with messages”. I can’t putty in with root so I have to use my username which can’t do a bunch of stuff. I don’t know debian so that’s fun figuring out commands that are different from centos. For some reason, fwconsole gives me bash errors from putty (even as su), but works fine from the vmware console, which I hate using. I reboot after updating modules thinking some of the sec errors will go away only for the web gui and ssh not to work. Can ping it and works from the console. Couple more reboots and it finally loaded so I can try restoring from fpbx15. Seemed to transfer ok, but all the modules I removed are back and about 7-8 are red and say they’ve been tampered with (including framework). Force reinstalls give errors. Also, kept getting errors trying to connect to the repo (even on multiple production boxes on different isps so I know it’s not me). That gives me some worry that if I ever need an fresh install, not being able to connect and get it.

Is 17 still in beta? There’s no way I could use this in production. I’m going to try from scratch maybe giving the vm more resources than my current one?
I’ve always loved the polish of freepbx, but if this is the future, I think I might have to start looking elsewhere.

scarily no its production, Ive already had 2 customers demand i move to 3cx, that was completed a couple days ago they are loving it, especially since free license returned.

Not aware of anyone running n a VM, I cant see it ending well if you using openvz, maybe kvm would work, not sure

Can you please run fwconsole sa refreshsignature command ? installation script might not finished properly so you can check the installation logs.

Yeah I tried three more times, all failed… Then I tried the fully manual install which worked, but you don’t get the firewall or system manager. I also just saw that the OSS EPM doesn’t work with php8.2 so that’s another drawback.

Tried it yet again with the full script install (luckily snapshots help not needing to install debian every time). Found what’s probably a bug. Apparently the script doesn’t like host names with numbers in it. Once I change the host name it started working… I’ll try again to make sure that was the issue and I’ll open a ticket so no devs know that issue.

I’ve been running 15 on esxi 7 at my office for years without issue and I set up my cousin’s office and his is running with esxi 6.7 for just as long. I switched my home lab to proxmox so maybe I’ll put it on there for testing. Not sure how much life left with VMware’s new pricing models for little guys.