FreePBX 17 and Digium A-series phones

I have a bunch of the older Digium A-series “Asterisk” phones (mostly A-20’s with a single A-25) which I’ve been using successfully for several years now with FreePBX 16.

After I upgraded to FreePBX 17 (restoring my FreePBX 16 configuration from a backup), calls randomly stopped reaching the phones. They’re registered and can place outgoing calls at any time. If an incoming call comes in without about 20 seconds of the end of an outgoing call the phone will ring. Otherwise, phone shows no sign of seeing the incoming call and it goes straight to voicemail.

At the moment, I’ve reverted back to FreePBX 16 because that version WORKS.

Any suggestions on what might be the problem here?

I solved it, but using brute force. As I crawled through the logs, I discovered a LARGE collection of errors from my imported FreePBX 16 configuration.

So, I did this the hard way: I started with a default FreePBX 17 configuration and manually recreated my configuration. This was feasible mostly because I have a fairly small system with only about a dozen phones and two trunks.

One painful part about doing this setup: By default “Extension Routes” isn’t licensed. After I’d registered a new Activation, it provided me with a link for a free license. That link asked me to log into my Sangoma account and then took me to the main modules page. As far as I can tell, there isn’t even a short time-limited license available for Extension Routes after your first activation with Extension Routes. Since you can’t even get into the screens for configuring Extension Routes without the license, I had to do my setup without it.

Once I had everything working, I deactivated my FreePBX 16 install and moved the Activation (and the licenses) over to my new FreePBX 17 setup. And that promptly broke outbound calls because Extension Routes went live with ALL the extensions marked as “denied” on my Outbound Routes.

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