After running the installation script there is no connection via ssh and web GUI only via Hetzer web console.
After I stopped freepbx with the command: systemctl stop freepbx.service , everything works again.
I’ve tried deactivating the firewall or listing my IP.
My IP is not on fail2ban’s ban list either.
service freepbx staus Doesn’t show anything unusual either.
I assume that you mean Hetzner. If not, provide details.
Assuming that you are accessing the cloud server over the public internet, you need to use
fwconsole firewall trust
Replace with your public IP, e.g., what whatismyip.com shows as My Public IPv4.
Otherwise, please explain.
Was a tip mistake, of course I mean provider Hetzner, I access the machine via a VPN that runs over my pfsense and the local ip of the pfsense is
From your workstation, can you ping (which I assume is the tunnel address of the PBX)?
Have you tried
fwconsole firewall disable
netstat -l4
show port 22 listening on all interfaces?
I can ping from my workstation Hetzner Gateway pfSense FreePBX
The machine can also access the Internet via pfSense
If I stop the freepbx service, I can access it again via ssh and if I start it again, the connection is lost, so something from the freepbx application is blocking it
Unfortunately I can’t find the error myself.
Deactivate the firewall from the UI without disabling it.
I’ve never been a fan of that firewall. It’s too opinionated for my liking and not very intuitive, so I never use it.
The sysadmin dependency is…not convenient. Therer was no dependency originally but someone somewhere along the line thought that was a good idea.
Unfortunately I can’t access the web UI
Sorry, I misunderstood your setup. Is the PBX running a VPN client and getting the address from a server that Hetzner runs elsewhere?
Can you ping
Wiregurd runs on the pfsense and gives me access to a private network local to the data center where the freepbx server is running, so freepbx only has access to the Internet via the pfsense.
The ping packets only arrive when the freepbx service has ended.
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