FreePBX 16 Restore Fails on Warm Spareb

I am using SSH for warm spare setup. Asterisk and root on primary have keys in authorized_keys in asterisk and root on standby. I can ssh from root or asterisk on primary to root or asterisk on standby with no prompt.

In primary Filestore SSH, I have tried every combination of username= root/asterisk and key=/root/.ssh/id_rsa and /home/asterisk/.ssh/id_rsa and all get the backup file to the standby but then fail to restore on standby:

Performing Remote Maintenance
Could not login with username: asterisk, host: 192.168.0.X
Finished Remote Maintenance
Saving to selected Filestore locations
	Saving to: SSH:'PBX-BK-SRV' instance ,File location: /var/spool/asterisk/backup/Test/20220812-114939-1660322979- 
Finished Saving to selected Filestore locations
There were errors during the backup process
	Could not login with username: asterisk, host: 192.168.0.X
Warmspare enabled for this backup
We are running Restore command on Spare Server
Response from Warmspare Server 
backup transactionid:6596ccfb-155f-41ef-b051-6da390a91f08
Restorestatus :Error running Restore on Spare Server

The filename and path in log are correct. I have found no logs with further information.
How can I get the restore to happen?

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