FreePBX 15 install error in VirtualBox VM

When I try to install FreePBX 15 Distro into a VirtualBox VM I get this attached error (YumRPMTransactError…). FreePBX 14 Distro does work however. Main VirtualBox VM custom settings were OS =Other Linux 64 Bit, 2048 RAM, 8GB vdi file and Network Adapter bridged. Unless someone suggests a fix for me I guess i will continue with 14.


Just 8Gbyte VDI…sounds relatively small to me. Have you tried it with a larger HDD-file. When I export my freePBX image it has more than 6Gbytes (ova).
Yet, it might not be related to your problem. Did you Install the newest extension pack?

Reading the error text…I am pretty sure your harddisk size within Virtualbox is to small :wink:

EDIT: I use 15Gbyte and the Dashboard says my harddisk is 67% full.

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