FreePBX 13 Updates Fail Due to Data Type "bit"

Running module updates on 10.13.66-22 from CLI I just got

Unknown database type bit requested, Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform may not support it.

Here is the error in the GUI when I try to update Sound Languages 13.0.26 to 13.0.27:

Doctrine \ DBAL \ DBALException
Unknown database type bit requested, Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform may not support it.

if ($this->doctrineTypeMapping === null) {

    $dbType = strtolower($dbType);

    if (!isset($this->doctrineTypeMapping[$dbType])) {
        throw new \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException("Unknown database type ".$dbType." requested, " . get_class($this) . " may not support it.");

I get this on pageingpro, endpoint, soundlang and a number of other modules. I don’t see bit data types in any of those tables. What could cause this error?

I can’t do a reload now because " Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Soundlang’A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. " which it is "Disabled; Pending Upgrade to 13.0.27 "

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