FreePBX 13 Backup and restore module not working - Command backup is not defined

Asterisk 13.34.0
Debian 8.11 Jessie
Linux debian 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-1 (2016-03-06) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Backup Module

Hello everyone,
I have made a fresh new install to restore a backup file exported by another computer which had the same software versions installed but unfortunately it does not work anymore,
When I try to restore myfile.tgz (42Mbyte) via command line using root user I get:

 fwconsole backup --restore myfile.tgz
  Command "backup" is not defined.

Can someone please help me fixing this?

That command is not supported in 13.

I think you’d probably be better off restoring to a new 15 install.

Thanks Lorne, tomorrow I will try that and update the post accordingly.
Will I get known issues when I will try to restore/import backup file made on a v13 install?

I’m not sure if the latest changes have been pushed to stable.
Just make sure you have the edge version of backup installed to be safe.
fwconsole ma upgrade backup --edge
Then you should really not have any problems.

I restore a 2.11 system to FreePBX 15 2 weeks ago. The only things missing, were missing because they were not in the backup file.

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