FreePBX 12 -> 14 Conversion Asterisk 11 -> 13 problems


I performed the FreePBX 12 → 14 conversion using a restored database of the 12 system within a Virtual Machine environment, and made the complete migration to 14 with just a couple errors to resolve, such as removing Bria (we don’t use it) and unsigned modules. After 12 → 13, I decided to move them from Asterisk 11 to Asterisk 13, and that was smooth as butter.

I blew everything up, and did it a second time just to be sure I was sane. Hey, the tests were identical.

I went to the production environment this evening, and as it was a remote control for me (and the on-site staff didn’t want to linger) I decided to FreePBX 12 → 14, and that that went as expected, just like the test in the virtual environment. But now that I am at FreePBX 14, and things are working fine, I am unable to promote Asterisk from 11 → 13.

I have several RPM’s failing in transaction, with various conflicts. For example:

file /etc/logrotate.d/fail2ban from install of fail2ban-fpbx-0.8.14-11.sng7.noarch conflicts with file from package fail2ban-server-0.9.6-3.el7.noarch
file /etc/fail2ban/action.d/badips.conf from install of fail2ban-fpbx-0.8.14-11.sng7.noarch conflicts with file from package fail2ban-server-0.9.6-3.el7.noarch
file /etc/fail2ban/action.d/blocklist_de.conf from install of fail2ban-fpbx-0.8.14-11.sng7.noarch conflicts with file from package fail2ban-server-0.9.6-3.el7.noarch

There are about 30 or so such errors.

On the Dashboard, I am running FreePBX 14:

If I go to the System Admin Module, and go to updates, I see this:

==> Those numbers seem like updates from the FreePBX 13 series, and I don’t want to upgrade anything here, as it seems I may put CentOS 6 like binaries that may conflict with CentOS 7 that is seen in the FreePBX 14 series.

I also have Modules with some 13. and 14. in their version numbers, although I saw that in my Virtual Machine runs too.

==> Bottom Line… How do I clean this up so that Asterisk 13 can run on this box? I commend the script team for the smooth transition of FreePBX, but now we need to cleanup the back end.




I looked again this morning, and all of my failed rpm’s related around fail2ban. I removed the fail2ban pieces of software (fail2ban-server, fail2ban…) and then ran the Asterisk13 process. Packages installed, and I fail2ban magically re-installed. Must be part of the dependency tree.

Anyways, Asterisk 13 is now running on my setup, and my System Admin is showing a proper release level too.

So yes, my box is now completely happy, outside of the fax reconfigure that I think we all need to do.
