Trying to run backups I see failures in trying to get a backup on some things. For example I have a back up that just backs up the servers voicemail to it’s own backup set. Needless to say with VoiceMail, this is dynamic and could have new added or old removed at any point in a large system.
So I just tried to run this local backup and get:
Adding file to tar: files/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/8260/greet.wav
Adding file to tar: files/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/4325/unavail.wav
Adding file to tar: files/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/4325/greet.wav
Adding file to tar: files/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/4325/busy.wav
Adding file to tar: files/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/8290/Old/msg0000.wav
In FileInfo.php line 53:
/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/8290/Old/msg0000.wav does not exist
backup [--backup BACKUP] [--externbackup EXTERNBACKUP] [--dumpextern DUMPEXTERN] [--transaction TRANSACTION] [--list] [--warmspare] [--implemented] [--filestore FILESTORE] [--restore RESTORE] [--restorelegacycdr] [--ignoremodules IGNOREMODULES] [--modules MODULES] [--restoresingle RESTORESINGLE] [--backupsingle BACKUPSINGLE] [--singlesaveto SINGLESAVETO] [--b64import B64IMPORT] [--fallback] [--useinfiledb] [--skiprestorehooks] [--skipbindport] [--skipdns] [--skipremotenat] [--skiptrunksandroutes]
I honestly expect this to fail if someone removed a voicemail during the backup, is this expected behavior, as it leaves no backup file at all, so there is no backup when done…