Am planning on moving from FPBX v16 to v17 this year. Also have Flash Operator Panel 2 implemented. Wondering if any of y’all have made the move along with FOP2. Any life experiences to share as to that?
Just pinging this. I am assuming that there might not be a lot of other folks who’ve pursued this yet. I believe my timeline is having FreePBX v17 in place before EOY 2025. And since I am implemented using AWS FreePBX, I can just spin up a new AMI for v17, install FOP2 on it, and test things out well in advance. That will be my gameplan regardless. Just was curious what I might be getting myself into!
According to it isn’t supported on any currently supported version of Asterisk.
Well then…lol. Seeing I’ve been on v16 for awhile now with FOP2 I guess I’ll just test out on the new AMI for v17 and see how it goes. This tool really is helpful for our receptionists, since we have a lot of extensions. And a fair amount of them don’t have physical desk phones. They are “voice mail” only in that regard. Clicking through the web UI to transfer callers and handle parking is really nice. Thanks for bearing the news!
I’m using it on FreePBX 17. I’d try to run it in a demo environment and see what quirks you come across. Off the top of my head, I believe I had to tweak the script that pulls in the SSL cert as it doesn’t live in the same place in Debian.
Sounds promising for sure! Actually we aren’t using SSL in our case, since FOP2 and the PBX admin portal are all internal-only and whatnot. So I’ll plan on giving it a go soon. Appreciate the feedback!
There was another issue, that I really can’t remember (I installed it about 6-7 months ago, so my memory is foggy). However, I started a support chat with FOP2 and the AI chat bot was able to point me in the right direction.
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