Firewall Not Running, Can't Access Intrusion Detection Page, SSH Broken

Hi all,

I have a system running FreePBX I logged and found that some upgrades did not complete. Currently, the firewall is not running. When I go to Intrusion Detection, am getting the “Exception - could not get banned list” error, and I also cannot SSH into the unit. It prompts me for login but no credentials work. The Firewall page also gives errors.

How do I run fwconsole or yum commands to resolve this if I can’t SSH into the unit? Those commands don’t seem to work from the web GUI CLI. It is a Phone System 40 appliance so I guess I need to go to the site and serial terminal to the unit? Or do I have other options?

You could get root access by booting the system into singer user mode, but I am not too familiar with that system

This is the asterisk CLI. You may get lucky by trying to run ! <command> but it may run as the Asterisk user, to which I’m not sure if it may lead to any errors.

Since you are on FreePBX 14, you should be able to update yum packages under Admin > Updates and run the system updates.

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