Files not found following a restore from backupb

I restored a FreePBX backup, created on a FreePBX v16 installation to a new v17 install.
The source system is Debian 11 with that distro’s asterisk installed.
The destination system is Debian 12 with aterisk compiled from src.

Consequently the directory structure of asterisk differs.
Is it sufficient to symlink /usr/share/asterisk → /var/lib/asterisk prior to restoring backup? This seems to work, at least thare are no longer warnings about missing files in the dashboard. Is that all that’s needed or is it the wrong approach?

You should have Directories as per the Directory settings in the Advanced settings.
Either you can create symlink or change the directory path in the Advanced settings

Thanks Philip.
It seems it was only ASTAGIDIR that differed between the installations.
The symlink worked for me and I guess I can change any modified path back to default, post-restore if I wish.
However I can’t change such paths in the UI. Only modifying asterisk.freepbx_settings database table directly.

mysql asterisk -e 'select keyword, value, defaultval from freepbx_settings' | grep DIR
ASTAGIDIR	/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin	/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
ASTETCDIR	/etc/asterisk	/etc/asterisk
ASTLOGDIR	/var/log/asterisk	/var/log/asterisk
ASTMODDIR	/usr/lib/asterisk/modules	/usr/lib/asterisk/modules
ASTRUNDIR	/var/run/asterisk	/var/run/asterisk
ASTSPOOLDIR	/var/spool/asterisk	/var/spool/asterisk
ASTVARLIBDIR	/var/lib/asterisk	/var/lib/asterisk