File Store S3 Backblaze B2

Trying to setup Backblaze B2 for file store and backups using S3 advanced custom config options

Running FreePBX 16.0.26

Getting the following error on executing a backup:

Endpoints must be full URIs and include a scheme and host

Current custom endpoint is:
Custom Region is: us-west-000

Has anyone gotten this to work properly?


Made a little bit of progress

Changed my endpoint to https://

Now the file is backed up to my S3 storage but I get the following error;

Finished Remote Maintenance
Saving to selected Filestore locations
Saving to: S3:‘Backblaze’ instance

Finished Saving to selected Filestore locations
There were errors during the backup process
Error executing “ListObjects” on “”; AWS HTTP error: Client error: GET resulted in a 403 Forbidden response:



Unauthenticated requests are not allowed for this api

Seems like it should be a support call but the url is not formatted correctly

Any assistance would be appreciated


One last update here

I modified the application key permission in Backblaze to full read/write and now everything seems to be working perfectly

Hopefully this can help others if they have this question / issue in the future

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I believe @lgaetz can give you access. This may be something good to add to the wiki

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