FaxPro issue in UCP


I have installed and configured FaxPro module successfully (not been able to test with a real fax machine yet but if I call number I get well the modem music :wink:
As indicated in documentation I don’t have setup an extension but just a user that is destination of the incoming route. Unhappy when I log in UCP with fax user I’m unable to use the Fax widget. When I try to add it in the dashboard I get an error in browser wirdow:

Internal Server Error: I was unable to locate the UCP Class settings. I looked everywhere for settings.class.php jsphpg_b76ec9325a1a5caca04f28721d9cc414.js:2682:92
    ready https://ipbx-cstj.domedia.net/ucp/assets/js/compiled/main/jsphpg_b76ec9325a1a5caca04f28721d9cc414.js?load_version=v16.0.38.1:2682

I tried with a different browser and same. I added also a new dashboard in UCP but same issue when I try to add the widget :frowning:
Everything is up to date both for FreePBX itself and all add-ons so not sure what to investigate now ./

PS: Is it ok to open issues here with commercial modules or should I open straight a ticket with Sangoma ? (not sure :/)



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