Fatal Error After Upgrade

I recently upgraded a couple modules and now I am getting a Fatal Error when saving an extension. I am using FreePBX Anyone know what this is?

Warning: fopen(/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/admin/functions.inc.php on line 1950

Notice: Voicemail mailbox ‘104’ already exists, call to voicemail_maibox_add failed in /var/www/admin/modules/voicemail/functions.inc.php on line 747

Warning: Missing argument 1 for die_freepbx(), called in /var/www/admin/modules/voicemail/functions.inc.php on line 748 and defined in /var/www/admin/functions.inc.php on line 1460


Why is it I get no support from this forum? The post after mine already has 3 replies.

Check that voicemail.conf in /etc/asterisk is writable for apache.

The reason for “not getting support” is lack of details.
Do you run a distro like AsteriskNow or PBX in a Flash? Or is is “homebrew”?

The question that you asked has been answered a lot of times in this forum.
“Warning: fopen(/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/admin/functions.inc.php on line 1950”

Notice “Permission denied”? That tells us that your webserver (apache) cant write to voicemail.conf as it does not have rights to do that.

So the answer is “Check your permissions”.

Why is it I get no support from this forum? The post after mine already has 3 replies.

This forum is supported by volunteers who answer questions based on their expertise. It is not a call center that is manned 24/7. The volunteers answer as best they can when they can.

The difficulty in answering your question is the lack of information as to the operating system, Asterisk version, Apache version, etc… The only info is the FreePBX version which is a significant part of an PBX deployment but still just a part.

Thanks guys, sorry for the lack of info. It was a permission problem. Somehow when upgraded the core module the permissions to voicemail.conf got changed.

All is working now, and thank you kindly for the help.