Failed to update modules

When trying to update the modules, the following error message is displayed

Warning: Cannot connect to online repository(s) ( Online modules are not available.

Warning: Cannot connect to online repository(s) ( Online modules are not available.

Check dns.

from a shell:



The server responds to the ping test successfully, even switching the repository server the failure remains



I performed the validation with the same disabled, remaining the error

Your ‘validation’ ?

( ICMP is not enough.)

cURL error 7: Failed connect to; Connection refused

The IP refers to the server access IP is a non-routable ip address. so it must have been provisioned by you internally

is an ip of the local network, applied to the server

Can you suggest any other tests?..pasosu por something similar

Well. you need your name service(s) to resolve the repo url ( to an actual internet address ( before sending it to the inner-tubes.

(Have you been ‘gefingerpockering’ in any way with your network setup ?)

fwconsole ma upgradeall
No repos specified, using: [standard,extended,commercial] from last GUI settings

Module(s) requiring upgrades: allowlist, api, blacklist, bulkhandler, callrecording, contactmanager, core, endpoint, fax, firewall, framework, logfiles, oracle_connector, pms, restapps, sangomartapi, sipstation, sms, ucp, userman, vega, voicemail, voipinnovations
Upgrading module ‘framework’ from to
Downloading module ‘framework’
Processing framework
Verifying local module download…Redownloading

In cURL.php line 443:

cURL error 7: Failed connect to; Connection refused

For a better detail, follow the error via the server console

Until you fix where forwards your connections , you will continue to experience that.

This is going to be basic connectivity testing…
DNS, Routing, etc.

Your outputs show you are routing to a proxy or something on your internal network and that is where you are falling flat.

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Thank you all, I will be revalidating my internal network

Problem solved, proxy option, was active on the server, again, thank you all for the support

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