Extension "in use" problem

I have a customer that keeps getting extensions marked as “In Use” when they are not. I have a couple questions;

What causes a line to be marked as “in use”?

Is there a way to reset the line status without restarting the server? I have tried restarting SIP and all the normal tricks but nothing seems to work. I have also had a look in the database and cannot see where the extension is marked as In Use.

Is there a way to set the extensions so that the server periodically looks to ensure the state is correct for the line?


Where are you seeing the inuse in asterisk. You have provided no details like FreePBX Version, Asterisk Version, output of your core show hints and core show channels.

If you are referring to queue calls a core show queues would help also. Remember asking questions with no data usually gets no response.

The version the customer is running is FreePBX Distro

I’m seeing the in use in the FreePBX “Asterix Info” Module under the headding “Subscribe/Notify”

As per below (Notice Extens 850);

405@ext-local : SIP/405 State:Idle Watchers 3
404@ext-local : SIP/404 State:Idle Watchers 4
407@ext-local : SIP/407 State:Idle Watchers 3
406@ext-local : SIP/406 State:Idle Watchers 15
900@ext-local : SIP/900 State:Unavailable Watchers 0
*84888@ext-local : ccss:SIP/888 State:Idle Watchers 0
850@ext-local : SIP/850 State:InUse Watchers 3
851@ext-local : SIP/851 State:Idle Watchers 3
853@ext-local : SIP/853 State:Idle Watchers 5
854@ext-local : SIP/854 State:Idle Watchers 3
410@ext-local : SIP/410 State:Idle Watchers 0
*84300@ext-local : ccss:SIP/300 State:Idle Watchers 0
423@ext-local : SIP/423 State:Idle Watchers 3
422@ext-local : SIP/422 State:Idle Watchers 17

What is the output of ‘core show channels’ and ‘sip show channels’ when SIP/850 shows in use?

Any chance DND is set on the extension? You can check in the ASTDB with database show command.

pabx*CLI> core show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
Local/844@from-queue 801@from-queue:1     Ringing AppQueue((Outgoing Line))
Local/844@from-queue s@macro-dial-one:42  Up      Dial(SIP/850,65,trM(auto-blkvm
SIP/469-00000dd5     *8@from-internal:1   Up      (None)
SIP/850-00000d3b     s@macro-dial-one:1   Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
SIP/2Talk-PEER-00000 801@ext-queues:10    Up      Queue(801,t,,,60)
5 active channels
2 active calls
2388 calls processed

pabx*CLI> sip show channels
Peer             User/ANR         Call ID          Format           Hold     Last Message    Expiry     Peer  850              1ab12bbe3da9fc3  0x8 (alaw)       No       Tx: ACK                    850  469              [email protected]  0x4 (ulaw)       No       Rx: BYE                    469   063546325        183711bd364bdd2  0x8 (alaw)       No       Rx: ACK                    2Talk-PEER
3 active SIP dialogs

When I do a database show I see nothing out of normal for extension 850..

/AMPUSER/850/answermode                           : disabled                 
/AMPUSER/850/callmenum                            : 850                      
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/cc_agent_alert_info             :                          
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/cc_agent_cid_prepend            :                          
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/cc_agent_dialstring             : extension                
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/cc_agent_policy                 : generic                  
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/cc_max_agents                   : 5                        
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/cc_max_monitors                 : 5                        
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/cc_monitor_alert_info           :                          
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/cc_monitor_cid_prepend          :                          
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/cc_monitor_policy               : generic                  
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/cc_offer_timer                  : 30                       
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/cc_recall_timer                 : 15                       
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/ccbs_available_timer            : 4800                     
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/ccnr_available_timer            : 7200                     
/AMPUSER/850/ccss/last_number                     : 846                      
/AMPUSER/850/cfringtimer                          : 120                      
/AMPUSER/850/cidname                              : Brian R - 850            
/AMPUSER/850/cidnum                               : 850                      
/AMPUSER/850/concurrency_limit                    : 0                        
/AMPUSER/850/device                               : 850                      
/AMPUSER/850/language                             :                          
/AMPUSER/850/noanswer                             :                          
/AMPUSER/850/outboundcid                          : 044954037                
/AMPUSER/850/password                             :                          
/AMPUSER/850/queues/qnostate                      : usestate                 
/AMPUSER/850/recording                            : out=Always|in=Always     
/AMPUSER/850/ringtimer                            : 0                        
/AMPUSER/850/vmx/busy/1/context                   : from-internal            
/AMPUSER/850/vmx/busy/1/ext                       : 0274713828               
/AMPUSER/850/vmx/busy/1/pri                       : 1                        
/AMPUSER/850/vmx/busy/state                       : disabled                 
/AMPUSER/850/vmx/busy/vmxopts/timeout             :                          
/AMPUSER/850/vmx/unavail/1/context                : from-internal            
/AMPUSER/850/vmx/unavail/1/ext                    : 0274713828               
/AMPUSER/850/vmx/unavail/1/pri                    : 1                        
/AMPUSER/850/vmx/unavail/state                    : enabled                  
/AMPUSER/850/vmx/unavail/vmxopts/timeout          :               
/DEVICE/850/dial                                  : SIP/850
/DEVICE/850/type                                  : fixed
/DEVICE/850/user                                  : 850

pabx*CLI> sip show inuse
* Peer name               In use          Limit
499                       0/0/0           2147483647
888                       0/0/0           2147483647
849                       0/0/0           2147483647
848                       0/0/0           2147483647
841                       0/0/0           2147483647
843                       0/0/0           2147483647
845                       0/0/0           2147483647
844                       0/0/0           2147483647
846                       0/0/0           2147483647
400                       0/0/0           2147483647
405                       0/0/0           2147483647
404                       0/0/0           2147483647
407                       1/0/0           2147483647
406                       0/0/0           2147483647
900                       0/0/0           2147483647
850                       1/0/0           2147483647
851                       0/0/0           2147483647
853                       0/0/0           2147483647
854                       0/0/0           2147483647
410                       0/0/0           2147483647
423                       0/0/0           2147483647
422                       0/0/0           2147483647
421                       0/0/0           2147483647
427                       0/0/0           2147483647
424                       0/0/0           2147483647
439                       0/0/0           2147483647
445                       0/0/0           2147483647
444                       0/0/0           2147483647
446                       0/0/0           2147483647
441                       0/0/0           2147483647
440                       0/0/0           2147483647
449                       0/0/0           2147483647
458                       0/0/0           2147483647
467                       0/0/0           2147483647
469                       1/0/0           2147483647
468                       0/0/0           2147483647
471                       0/0/0           2147483647
300                       0/0/0           2147483647
255                       0/0/0           2147483647
498                       0/0/0           2147483647

Alan - Please notice I updated your post to include the code tags so it can be read now. In the future please format your posts so that are readable.

What kind of device is extension 850? It is clearly hung in a SIP dialog.

You may find this setting gives you some relief, use SIP settings module.


Are you able to do a soft hangup on the channel (tab complete will help fill in the target)?

Thanks for your help SkykingOH, the device type is a YeaLink IP phone (T20).

Regarding the “soft hangup” command, I have not been able to find this command in the FreePBX (Asterisk 1.8) it does not seen to be available either directly from the CLI or under the core command either.

I did find the “channel request hangup”, is this the same as soft hangup?

Also I have extended the RTPtimeout to 240 (from the default 30) what does this do? I would of thought extending the timer would make the problem worse?

Re the formatting, how the heck do you cut and paste of a screen shot into the forum? I’ve been trying to work this out :frowning:

Thanks Again

I just cut and paste from Putty, use the [code][/code] tags to switch to fixed pitch font.

All the bbcodes are documented in the “input format” box below the text entry area.

Yes soft hangup is now channel request hangup

Hi Alan,

I have the same issue you have posted at the top of this thread.
Did you manage to get this solved. If yes, please be kind enough
to post the resolution here. Or any one else please post the way to get
rid of the issue

Thanks in advance


i have a freepbx suddenly one of my extension are saying that ‘personal extension is on the phone’ what can i do to fix this issue?

Stavrosch - Don’t hijack someone else’s post

OP - Extension 580 is in use in your example

what is the solution because i’m trying this command and they are not working.
