Error when fetching calendar items


we are using FreePBX with Calendar application 16.0.21.

We create calendars synced to our Exchange 2019 server through EWS.

When the calendar is created, everything is fine, we can see the events, but sometimes, for an unknown reason, when we try seeing the events through the GUI, we get a message “there was an error fetching the items”.

The console logs returns this :

GET https://freepbxservername/admin/ajax.php?module=calendar&command=events&calendarid=30420bd4-da3e-4e85-b43f-c4b9064b3249&start=2023-08-27&end=2023-10-08&timezone=Europe/Zurich&_=1695277309364

and the error is :

error Object { type: Whoops\Exception\ErrorException, message: Undefined index: SUMMARY, file: /var/www/html/admin/modules/calendar/drivers/Base.php, … }
type Whoops\Exception\ErrorException
message Undefined index: SUMMARY
file /var/www/html/admin/modules/calendar/drivers/Base.php
line 292

if I try to list the calendar from the command line, no problem

[root@freepbxservername ~]# fwconsole calendar --list --id=30420bd4-da3e-4e85-b43f-c4b9064b3249
| Nom | Description | Timezone | Start | End | UID | Recurring | All Day | Now Match |
| APRES MIDI | | Europe/Zurich | 2023-08-21T13:00:00 | 2023-08-21T17:00:00 | AAMkADVmNTY4NzZhLTUwYzMtNDYzNC1hOGQ3LWVlNWY3MDI3Y2EwYQFRAAgI26HZkBAAAEYAAAAAlGff8nMGm0ay/Z3RI2R1RgcA6Iz3o2o0+E2jtZARTpFMywAAAAABXAAA6Iz3o2o0+E2jtZARTpFMywAAAAEaGgAAEA== | Non | Non | Non |
| MATIN | | Europe/Zurich | 2023-08-22T07:45:00 | 2023-08-22T11:45:00 | AAMkADVmNTY4NzZhLTUwYzMtNDYzNC1hOGQ3LWVlNWY3MDI3Y2EwYQFRAAgI26KiunnAAEYAAAAAlGff8nMGm0ay/Z3RI2R1RgcA6Iz3o2o0+E2jtZARTpFMywAAAAABXAAA6Iz3o2o0+E2jtZARTpFMywAAAAEaGQAAEA== | Non | Non | Non |

I tried restarting the system through fwconsole restart without result.

Any help would be welcome :slight_smile:

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