Error: Restoring Backup from 13.0 to 15.0 (Legacy.php could not find driver)

Having performance issues with a Virtual Machine running freePBX 13.0 and built a new VM with more resources and decided to run freePBX 15.0 and am trying to restore from 13.0 to 15.0. Getting an error Legacy.php could not find driver. Hoping there’s someone that can help.

Running with: /usr/sbin/fwconsole backup --restore=’/var/spool/asterisk/backup/uploads/0_AsteriskPBXBackup_20210919-095235-1632070355-’ --transaction=‘16fe5243-eac5-4193-b1e8-df1376f2e595’
Determining backup file type…type is legacy
Legacy CDR Restore Option: 0
Starting restore job with file: /var/spool/asterisk/backup/uploads/0_AsteriskPBXBackup_20210919-095235-1632070355-
Extracting backup…
Loading manifest to memory
Loading astdb to memory
Parsing out SQL tables. This may take a moment depending on backup size.
Found 2 database files in the backup.
File named: /tmp/backup/16fe5243-eac5-4193-b1e8-df1376f2e595/mysql-2.sql.gz
Detected file /tmp/backup/16fe5243-eac5-4193-b1e8-df1376f2e595/mysql-2.sql.gz as the PBX (Asterisk) database. Attempting restore
Extracting supplied database file mysql-2.sql.gz
Loading supplied database file mysql-2.sql

In Legacy.php line 296:

could not find driver

backup [–backup BACKUP] [–externbackup EXTERNBACKUP] [–dumpextern DUMPEXTERN] [–transaction TRANSACTION] [–list] [–warmspare] [–implemented] [–filestore FILESTORE] [–restore RESTORE] [–restorelegacycdr] [–modules MODULES] [–restoresingle RESTORESINGLE] [–backupsingle BACKUPSINGLE] [–singlesaveto SINGLESAVETO] [–b64import B64IMPORT] [–fallback] [–useinfiledb] [–skiprestorehooks]

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