Hi. Trying to restore a full backup from a working 15 to a new 17 i obtain that strange error and I am unable to restore CDRs. Obviously there is no module installable called removecdrtrigger, so the suggestion of the error is unuseful.
There were errors during the restore process
Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Removecdrtrigger’A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install removecdrtrigger 2) fwconsole ma enable removecdrtrigger on line 214 of file /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php
i installed today as well on a test server the new version 17 and received the same error message at the end of the restore from my “PBX16 Backup”.
@kgupta as recommended from you i checked that the cdr module is installed ( it was already installed and installed it again). But the error persist when i try a restore again.
Can i ignore the error in the and as i have the module?