Error loading DAHDI

Just did a fresh install using the distro

I attempted to install the DAHDI module and received this error - not sure if I should put this here, or in the dev forum

exit: 1
found language dir fr for directory, not installed on system, skipping
Failed to backup old config: Permission denied
[FATAL] INSERT INTO dahdi_spans (span, framing, definedchans, coding, signalling, switchtype, syncsrc, lbo, pridialplan, prilocaldialplan, group, context) VALUES [nativecode=1064 ** You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘’ at line 1]

Trace Back:

/var/www/html/admin/modules/dahdiconfig/ die_freepbx()
[0]: INSERT INTO dahdi_spans (span, framing, definedchans, coding, signalling, switchtype, syncsrc, lbo, pridialplan, prilocaldialplan, group, context) VALUES [nativecode=1064 ** You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘’ at line 1]

/var/www/html/admin/modules/dahdiconfig/ dahdi_cards->write_spans()

/var/www/html/admin/modules/dahdiconfig/ dahdi_cards->load()

/var/www/html/admin/modules/dahdiconfig/ dahdi_cards->dahdi_cards()

/var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf:399 dahdiconfig_conf->dahdiconfig_conf()
1 error(s) occurred, you should view the notification log on the dashboard or main screen to check for more details.

We do not recommend or encourage people to use that module. It has lots of problems and Digium is not maintaining it anymore.

Thanks for the reply Tony.

So what is recommended for an application where you want analog trunks, and maybe an analog set? Is there another module to use with the Digium cards?

We don’t know of a good way to setup DAHDI trunks with a GUI. Tony is saying the FreePBX DAHDI module, written by Digium was never completed and has issues. The Digium DAHDI_linux package is needed to support analog trunks.

OK, was not aware of that. I have had it working on the 2.9 release before, and on 2.10

This was a fresh install so thought I would mention the error
