Error installing SIP Settings module on FreePBX 17

Hi. Trying to install SIP Settings module (from the GUI or from the CLI) we obtain this error

The process “fwconsole extip” exceeded the timeout of 60 seconds.

Problem is originated from an HTTP get to a whatsmyip going in timeout. Ok, this is due to a port 80 closed on firewallls; BUT, normally in big companies, security doesn’t allow to open http traffic anymore (only https allowed). So my request is: is it possible try in https if http doesn’t work?

I got around this problem by changing line 20 from http to https in var/www/html/admin/libraries/Console/Extip.class.php but in this way i have a red-alert about file tampered and that’s not a definive mod.

Thanks a lot.

Hi @Peo Good catch, agreed it should move to https.

Please try with framework v17.0.19.7


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TOP! Now all works fine with https in Extip.class.php. Thanks a lot!

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