Error in GUI on editing extension - Firefox

In Firefox browser, when editing extension (see screenshot) an error message appears in the top right corner of the screen of the GUI.
The error only appears when clicking the edit button within 2 seconds after launching the previous screen, which is the Applications/extensions overview screen.
When waiting a few seconds between launch of Applications/extensions and editing an individual extension, the error does not appear.
In chrome the error is not appearing.

Forgot to mention that the error /error message does not seem to have any real impact on functionality in Freepbx GUI nor on managed system.
—end edit----

firefox version 53.0, 32bit
freepbx version FreePBX

Same issue here with Firefox an Chrome. on module Extension and inbound routes.

Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

Nb: OK with IE 11

Created bug report FREEPBX-14635

What happens is you cancel a request mid request and it causes an error. There is an error handler that shows all errors via toast messages. I guess it is a matter of catching those but they may be the same as a 500 response which we want to show

more info:

A request:

GET /admin/ajax.php?module=core&command=getJSON&jdata=allDID&order=asc&limit=10&offset=0&_=1493049137163 HTTP/2.0
Authorization: Basic …=
Accept: application/json, text/javascript, /; q=0.01
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest

JSON parser error: parse error: premature EOF

Root cause identified:

Module mod_security with “Enable JSON request body parser” in the apache reverse proxy.

Need furthur invrestigation to identify why Freepbx Json is not correctly handle…

This is what I said above. It is trying to still handle the previous request that was killed

Where is this message shown…:

Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.